Master This Writing Practice to Find More Loyal Readers

Master This Writing Practice to Find More Loyal Readers

Reader Comments (5)

  1. Hey Stefanie,

    Guest posting is one of the finest practices anyone can adopt to become a better writer.

    You can showcase your writing skills on your own blog but once you go out in front of a different audience, it can be really disappointing.

    Not every blog has the same writing standard like yours. The reputed blogs have set a standard which should be matched.

    I try my best to craft an article which can drag an attention of many. The biggest benefit of guest posting is building human bonds.

    Thanks for this wonderful article.

  2. Guest posting is so crucial to your writing development – but it isn’t easy and neither is link building in general. Like you say, it can be beneficial to start with pitching to smaller publications to find your feet and then working your way up the ladder.

    I really enjoyed this article, Stefanie.

  3. Thank you for the Post!
    I blog for enjoying my time.
    I love it & do it for my own passion.

  4. This advice is excellent as far as it goes, but there is another essential element besides the rules written down by editors for potential contributors. This is the *voice* of a blog or publication.

    In my earlier career as a writer for top magazines (including Cosmopolitan, Psychology Today and the New York Times Magazine), I learned that it was crucial to read many issues of a publication and get a feel for the attitudes, vocabulary, tone and approach they were looking for. Without this, following the rules led to rejection slips. With it, editors were delighted.

    For example, one article I was specifically assigned got rejected because it was “too earnest.” This publication wanted me to take an ironic, superior and somewhat snobbish tone on my topic.

    Porting this to today’s world of guest blogging, this means understanding whether a particular blog wants densely packed how-to information, emotional epiphanies, oh-so-cool commentaries or vulnerable revelations – or something that matches their favorite writers. These differences do not always come out in the posting guidelines, only in the blog itself.

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