Easy Email Inbox: Reply to 3 Types of Messages (and Don’t Sweat the Rest)

Easy Email Inbox: Reply to 3 Types of Messages (and Don’t Sweat the Rest)

Reader Comments (4)

  1. I don’t have a large site by all means, yet I constantly get emails from people asking all sorts of stuff: skyscraper technique-level pitches, guest post pitches, free random advice, and more. I’ve never felt sorry for ignoring those emails.

    At the same time, I always answer all the emails you mention in here — particularly the business-related ones. Even if they seem like they aren’t sure what they want (which is usually a bad sign), I still take the time to answer them just in case. It’s all about priorities.

    Great advice, Stefanie!

    • That is usually a bad sign, Ivan — but it’s easier to just ignore a message when it’s clearly junk!

      I agree it’s all about priorities, and over time you learn the right amount of time to spend on legitimate inquiries from prospects who don’t seem serious or the right fit for your business.

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