How to Craft Question Headlines that Don’t Flop

How to Craft Question Headlines that Don’t Flop

Reader Comments (12)

  1. Thank you for saying this! When I was quite young, I would read a whole bunch of mediocre or worse writing just waiting to get to the good part. That served me well given some of the assigned reading my teachers gave me. But I’m old now. If it’s not all “the good part,” I’ll read something else. We have sooooooo many choices. The headline needs to be the good part, the intro needs to be the good part, and all of it needs to be the good part.

  2. What a great post on a very important topic! Although I’ve been working with writers and authors for nearly 15 years, I’ve only been online for about a year and a half. It’s time I take a deeper look at reworking some of my earlier content and presenting it once again. This post gives me some great ideas for how to take on that project! Thanks so much!

  3. Digging deeper than a yes or no answer inspires readers to find the benefit of your question. Anybody can do a quick yes-no. Requires no thought really, or little thought at best. Unless you have a big, loyal tribe, your yes-no headlines will be ignored. Dig deeper and question something leading to a benefit buried in the post. Super advice Stefanie.

  4. So much of this is tied up in sales technique as well. To your first point, if you’re asking a potential client a “yes” or “no” question, you’re not getting them invested in the conversation and therefore, not thinking about potential problems (and the value that your business can bring to it). You want nice, open questions that require thought and insight. Great article!

  5. Great post!

    Question headlines are a great way to open the discussion with your reader. You might propose a new angle on a subject that they have previously overlooked – thereby driving the conversation forwards on that particular subject.

    I have been looking into the effectiveness of using closed vs open questions and it is striking how quickly you can funnel someone away from your content simply by allowing them to answer ‘No’ to the question you have asked.

    Starting the conversation with a thought provoking open question can have a real positive impact on the user experience as they read through your content!

  6. “I don’t think we have limited attention spans; I think our tolerance for average is limited.”

    I tend to agree with that statement. We’re inundated with content daily, and after a while people learn to naturally weed out content that holds no value. Business, pleasure, or personal.

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