One Factor that Caused the Current Content Marketing Climate (and How to Fix It)

One Factor that Caused the Current Content Marketing Climate (and How to Fix It)

Reader Comments (3)

  1. Great tips for creating greast content for audience profiles, individualisation of content is only going to make sure it resonates.

    You’re right, content marketing like all other channels that gets abused by ‘spammers’ is going to have it’s opponents, just as those us that know how effective it can be when done right, will always sing its praises.


  2. This is such valuable information! The same is true if you are writing a book. Taking the time to determine and get to know your target audience on the deepest level possible helps you write the book’s content with those specific people in mind. This helps set the hook deeper and keep the reader engaged through to the ending, and looking for more. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Stefanie, great reminders for me to get back to writing for one person. I’ve done it many times but not each and every time.
    This does help you delve deeper into something for that one person. That person who asked you a question about a topic you know a lot about.
    Content marketing has really changed over the years with so many new ways to do it via podcasts, video, clever infographics and instagram embeds, etc.
    Thanks for sharing these tips with us and have a great rest of the week Stephanie and Darren.

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