Ethical Marketing in an Age of Creeps

Ethical Marketing in an Age of Creeps

Reader Comments (2)

  1. The thing that gets me Sonia is you actually make more money being ethical and honest with folks, over the long haul. Being honest about a chief benefit of a product or service or post, then devoting virtually all your energy to explaining the process, step by step, literally markets and sells the product itself, for folks who resonate with your offering.

    If you honestly and generously explain how to do something, and don’t obsess over any specific outcome of your marketing campaign, you will naturally be ethical, transparent and one of those good guys 🙂

    Rocking roundup as always!


  2. I get so excited when I see articles like this that show an alternative way to sell/market for those of us who don’t want to use unethical tactics as a way to gain customers or clients.

    Tactics like false urgency and scarcity, make me feel uncomfortable. And I refuse to use them to just make a few more sales. No thanks.

    We ethical sellers need to start supporting each other and create a movement that shows we have just as much (and many times more) to offer than some smoke and mirrors sleazy marketer.

    I’m in. Are you?

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