What’s the One Skill that Separates Well-Paid Freelance Writers from Those Who Struggle?

What’s the One Skill that Separates Well-Paid Freelance Writers from Those Who Struggle?

Reader Comments (10)

  1. These are all great, practicle tips that enable the creative to continue being the creative on their own! In reality, the tips are just about effectiveness and apply whether self-employed or working for a company. Very useful.

  2. Great advice for the freelance creative entrepreneur, Stefanie! Thanks for sharing.

    Gotta say I especially love point #4: Copyblogger has certainly become an essential source for my education and development.

    When I’m in the thick of it, the hardest one for me is making room for that much needed leisure time.

    • So happy to hear that Copyblogger is part of your routine, Joel!

      When you care about your work and doing a good job, making time for leisure definitely takes practice. 🙂

  3. The ‘keep learning’ one is so key. I’ve never learned as much from a paid course as I have from Copyblogger.

    I’ll stop kissing your ass now 😉

  4. Great post! I love point no 5 – Practice like an artist. It’s amazing how much better you become at something when you do it on a daily basis. All the great authors say you should ‘write every single day’ and it really does make a difference. The muscles you use on a daily basis become stronger and more dominant. It’s the best way to hone your writing skills!

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