Why ‘New’ and ‘Knew’ Create Intensely Powerful Headlines

Why ‘New’ and ‘Knew’ Create Intensely Powerful Headlines

Reader Comments (30)

  1. OMEFFING GOD! This has to be the single most entertaining, best use of English post I have ever read on any effing blog ever. This excites me so much I have never used the effing word so much in my effing love.

    Amazing effing writing. Simply effing amazying, Sean. I bow down to you, I bow down to youuuuuuuuuuu.

    Effing brilliant!

  2. Interesting. I’ll give it a try:

    How do these fare?

    1. How Goo-Tube Affects Your Search Engine Rankings
    2. The Benadryl for your conversion rates

    I had a thought – won’t the “new” factor NOT communicate properly the benefit of reading the article or blog post?

  3. Raja, the ‘knew’ communicates the general subject matter, and therefore hints at the benefit. The ‘new’ creates strong curiosity, which draws you into finding out what’s going on.

    Sean used the technique with the headline for this very article. You knew it was about headlines, but had no idea how ‘new’ and ‘knew’ would apply to writing them.

  4. Pretty simple stuff. It looks like Justin liked it. It was a solid B- post in my opinion. The same thing could’ve been said in half the length.

    But, the point he’s making is true.

  5. Great advice because it keeps the reader at the forefront of the writer’s mind. It’s easy to trap yourself into a bad headline when you only think about how it sounds to you as the writer who is 1) already interested in the subject and 2) already familiar with your new take on it. Thanks for breaking this down into a simple forumla!

  6. Justin used a “new” way to comment that he “knew” the content was good. He used the advice and ironically curiosity followed.

  7. Sean, this simple principle is useful in sales, public speaking, marketing of any type. People’s eyes do glaze over if we bring them to totally unfamiliar territory. Very useful in all inter-personal relationships. Thanks.

  8. Thanks for the insight Sean,

    You never cease to amaze me. Your “new-knew” mixed analogy hit home.

    Headline writing is about allure and making the reader tempted enough to want to keep reading.

    Thanks for giving us a way to entice our reader by connecting them to something that will pique their interest enough to make them want to know more.

  9. Love the post. Headlines are what makes or breaks articles, blogs and other sales copy. A great way to get a message across and teach–now I want to go and put it into action.

  10. Holy cow. That was the BEST copy I have EVER read. I kept trying to not read it because I knew I was hooked… I read every word. Wow. I honestly can’t believe how well written that was.

    I think I’ve seen an Internet angel.

  11. Thanks. I know a concept has hit home, when some people say it’s ‘so simple’. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Simple is difficult.

    It’s easier to write an article like ’10 ways to do something’, than take a difficult concept like headlines, and make it so simple that almost everyone (if not everyone) can write a headline in the next five minutes.

  12. great post. This opened my eyes to the obvious, but then again, maybe not so obvious- how people perceive information & how they react to each scenario you posted.

    Nice job.

  13. Looks like an ideal blog post: it’s succinct, helpful and nice-to-read. Btw, using homonyms, like “new” and “knew”, is another powerful headline strategy that you applied skilfully. Thanks Sean: I really enjoyed it!

  14. If you want to make sure your copy is going to pass the test before you publish try this site. If you type in the words Business Opportunity you will see it scores very high. If you put the word Want infront of your headline it also does a lot better. I have tested this in my own landing page copy as well as in my forums and you will definately see greater views and click thrus if you have higher scoring headlines.


  15. An excellent post! I like the way you recursively used the technique outlined here in the actual title for this post ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy!

    There is a good reason CopyBlogger has gotten so many subscribers in such a short period of time, and this post demonstrates a lot of that.

  16. Heck of a article, I didn’t even think of it this way. Well, I guess that’s why to me it’s “new” ๐Ÿ˜‰ I came up with couple headlines using this aproach, I can already see them working.

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