Why the Best Writers (Sometimes) Aren’t Paid What They’re Worth

Why the Best Writers (Sometimes) Aren’t Paid What They’re Worth

Reader Comments (4)

  1. Hey Sonia!

    I’ve enojyed reading your post here very much. I like your writing style.

    I like what you said about having a strategy. You are spot on with what you’ve said, great writers put words together in a way that is both useful and beautiful.

    Very well said!

    I believe a lot of pratice helps you become a great copy writer. The more you play around with your writing skills and always look to learn from it, the better you will become at it.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Cheers! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. I say always believe in your writing and other digital marketing skills.. no matter how many jobs you lose to hacks! Eventually the tide will turn $$


  3. Thanks for this, Sonia. It almost feels like a “rite of passage” for freelance writers to learn how to self-market and value themselves the hard way. It requires trial and error, as well as no small amount of determination to not settle for less when we’re capable of so much more.

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