This Common Belief Could Be Blocking Your Creative Potential

This Common Belief Could Be Blocking Your Creative Potential

Reader Comments (9)

  1. Hi Stefanie,

    I love this message. This is why I dig Copy Blogger so much. You offer a change up, a mindset component to blogging, not a “just do this and this and everything changes” type approach too common in the blog-o-sphere.

    I answer hundreds of questions a week on forums, through my blog, social and email. 99% of blogger ask what to do to become successful. 1% ask who to be to become successful. Guess who succeeds quickly? The 1%. Because they knowing blogging is an energy game, a fluid game, a game of flux based on who you are BEING, NOT on what you are DOING.

    I used to think like most bloggers. Like I was a robot, who could do a few robotic things, step by step, to get certain results. This is how our monkey minds work; step by step, do then get. But blogging and life do not work that way. I struggled horribly with the robotic blogging approach because creativity roots itself in fluid energy, not robotic steps. Then I had some success, but worked like heck to make ends meet.

    Then I ditched the robotic approach, worked on my energy, and as my being/energy changed, my doings changed too. I even did less. To become more creative. Wow, who’d a thunk it? 😉 I wrote 126 eBooks, got featured on world famous blogs, my creativity went through the roof, and my profits surged too. Why? I took your advice to heart. Be a Pomeranian. They are open. No consciousness in the way, to block ideas or to see easy robotic hacks to solve creativity blocks.

    My wife showed me a Facebook video last night of a 4 year old Russian girl who fluently spoke 7 languages. Like the Pomeranian, she was open, in the flow, a sponge. Not desperately looking for hacks or steps to take, to avoid her fears. Totally different energy. We all have that ability. When we stop trying to be robots and learn that openness, diving into our deepest fears and making fun a priority helps us become creative genii.

    Thanks for sharing 🙂


  2. I’m reading Don’t Make Me Think, and this reminds me of the chapter I read last night on how we muddle through stuff instead of reading the directions. Basically, think of something that might work and give it a shot, rather than wondering if it’s the best option.

    Oh, and I’d rather be a border collie.

  3. Hi, Stefanie,

    I love this message! It’s true — we often stifle our creativity by trying to fit ourselves into someone else’s mold. Maybe there is no “best” way!

    — Melanie

  4. It’s a crazy kind of hybrid, isn’t it? I have spreadsheets to organize my writing and social media, but they’re messy and I don’t follow routine well with them. Some days the words fly off the keyboard; other times, it’s like tapping out sap for maple syrup. Wait, is sap in maple syrup?

    Anyway, wonderful insight.

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