The Two Sides of the Persuasion Coin

The Two Sides of the Persuasion Coin

Reader Comments (6)

  1. A little frustrated now. Because I have never seen that classic Saturday Night Live sketch on wax and toppings. And video players everywhere say I can’t, where I live. So now I am clueless about the ad metaphor 🙂 Looking forward to reading the book though!

    • Pretty much the entire joke is “It’s a dessert topping! It’s a floor wax! No … It’s a dessert topping and a floor wax.”

      Other than its absurdity there’s not a lot going on. 🙂

  2. Hi Simone,

    This is good article to show the different between different side of marketing. i have little confuse this word in your article. Can you explain me what is persuasion coin ?

    Min Yon

    • Hi Min Yon — it’s a metaphor/expression, meaning that there are two sides that seem opposite but are actually aspects of the same thing, just like a coin that has two sides.

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