The Power of a Fresh Start

The Power of a Fresh Start

Reader Comments (6)

  1. It would be nice if we went back to the basics of an email going out to subscribers when you publish a new blog! I keep missing a lot of great content �

    • Hi Richard! We do send out this post as a weekly email digest; I’m sorry to hear that you’re not receiving those updates. Will you please drop a line to our Support Team via the form at the bottom of this page? They can check out what’s going on with that and help you get things sorted.

    • I hear you Richard — folks were just being crushed by the volume of emails, so after a lot of conversations, we switched to the weekly digest.

      Every Thursday you can get this one delivered to your in-box (or you can swing by the blog and catch it here), and it will have links to everything, so you can quickly find the ones you’re most interested in …

  2. Hey Sonia,

    I read the post by Stefanie and Brian.

    The week was full of informative articles. How you read, edit the content means a lot.

    People really need to understand the concept of blog writing as Stefanie has shared her experience.


  3. I think the topic of editing has a lot of latent power! I am getting into the habit of reviewing articles written a while ago, and then re-shaping them to address new developments and indeed the quality and content, good call 🙂

  4. I think the topic of editing has a lot of latent power! I am getting into the habit of reviewing articles written a while ago.

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