How to Build an Engaged Audience with Content Marketing

How to Build an Engaged Audience with Content Marketing

Reader Comments (85)

  1. Hey Danny Iny, your article is really impressive, my attention had beginning with the first paragraph of your post (of course it also comes from your blog post title), because I will launch my blog on the beginning of December (from scratch) – so your tutorials are really useful for me, it shows to me someways to get my engaged audience, great – that’s great goal for all bloggers. Thanks so much.

  2. 15.46Mb for a free e-book — So impressive – I cant wait to read this free e-book, and of course, it will take a lot of time of mine, but I really want to say thank you for provide great and value e-book (241 pages for FREE – I can’t believe).

      • Hi Danny,

        I had received your email to ask me what I think of the Engagement from Scratch e-book, I really wanted to answer as soon as possible but I thought I should reply your comment on Copyblogger instead of answering your email. So what a new English blogger like me think of this ebook?

        First word is WONDERFUL

        This book is a collection of dozens of tutorials, formulas, the experiences of the successful blogger and entrepreneurs that just hearing the name I wanted to read.

        The most things I could not believe is I can get a copy of the e-book for FREE. I was quickly notified for my friends about this special free e-book I thought they also got a copy after hearing about this. As I know, It’s very rare when we can get value-ebook such that for free. I just do a little comparison – if you want to read 52 pages of the ProBlogger’s Guide to your First Week of Blogging (writen by Darren Rowse) – you must pay $19.9 – that means if you want to read the same e-book like Engagement from Scratch – you must pay nearly $80. However, just thinking – you will get Engagement from Scratch for FREE – that’s wonderful – that’s viral.

        The second thing I think the value of Engagement from Scratch is it contribute of dozens successful bloggers, entrepreneurs such as Brian Clark, Danny Brown etc.

        In this e-book, I was read the story of the successful blogger about how they build audience for their business, the inspiring story. Through these stories of them, I know how they succeed and realize the way how I can be successful as they.

        I strongly recommend you should get a copy right now. I quoted Kemya Scott as mine the end of thinking: “I can’t wait to get a copy of this book. I feel like I can actually build my own dynamic community. I’m new to blogging and I fad not considered the possibility of my blog evolving into a community. Now it seems quite possible!”

        Thanks Danny Iny and all contributor.

        P.S: My favorite is Brian Clark’s story: Build the Audience, Opportunity Will Come – just read the title I think you will know why. LOL

  3. Like your style man. Giving away that much quality content for free is incredible. Just downloaded the book and look forward to reading it. Will certainly get a hard copy if it’s up my street.

  4. I just read your post at Problogger, and then I get an email about your post here at Copyblogger. They’re right. You’re like Freddy. I should definitely do a guest post blitzkrieg as well.

    • You definitely should, Josh – just give yourself enough time to write it all… I’ve had 27 guest posts this month, and about a dozen of them are going up today… I feel like my brain has been wrung out like a sponge! 😀

  5. Got my copy in the mail, and I’m not just saying this because Danny is a good guy: it took me 2 hours to finally put it down, it’s that good of a read.

    Keep killing it Danny, anyone that misses out on this book: I guarantee you will regret it.

    • Thank you so much, Greg. I was really lucky to have so many wonderful contributors participate in this project, and I’m really overwhelmed by how great they made the book! (I wish I could take more credit, but really 90% of the book is them!)

  6. Are engaged and loyal audiences realistic goals for social media?

    Well that sounds like a silly question. But it goes to the heart of what social media really is. It’s causing many to drop out of social media efforts.

    I read articles from the best and brightest in social media and I’m constantly being told that I need a loyal audience of engaged fans to accomplish my goals.

    Really? Do all or most of us have the pizzazz to do it so well that we constantly drive the same people back to our sites time and time again?

    The social media experts I pay attention to got in early and are quite good at what they do “but� I wonder whether or not they exist in a bubble unrecognizable to the rest of us.

    While not the sites I’m referring to, I love “This Week in Tech� and CNET podcasts, but even they debate whether their observations apply to the average person.

    A new vision of social media:

    I believe that a new version of social media is coming into clearer focus, one that simply invites people to the conversation via search and Twiter, Google+ and Facebook. I believe that successful social media is not dependant on a large and never-ending audience of frequent visitors.

    The vast majority of us who have been running social media sites for five years or longer understand that we are not oracles who drive hundreds of thousands of regular visitors to our sites producing lots of daily comments. Our website numbers are impressive and but the bulk are new to the site and interactions with visitors are infrequent.

    New data supports my observations:

    First example: An article from Media Post titled “Social Falls Short On Customer Loyalty, Traditional Methods Encouraged� reexamines the issue of building a base of loyal customers.

    The article states, “While much of the marketing community is focused on sealing better relationships between brands and consumers via social media, a new study from Pitney Bowes suggests that their efforts would be better spent in other areas.

    In fact, the new study — based on a survey of 5,000 consumers in the U.S., U.K., France and Germany — found social media to be one of the least effective engagement techniques for encouraging customer loyalty for larger and small businesses alike.�

    Second example: It gets back to an article I wrote for this site asking “Is Social Media Really Social.� The premise is that customer interaction with the vast majority of social sites is minimal.

    I stated, “Social media has no clear definition as to content or purpose; it depends on your audience and what you are trying to achieve. You create material that matches learning styles (audio, video, fact sheets, story-based articles) and you offer unique perspectives that no one else is providing. You place all on a website and additional channels (i.e., YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+) and you sit back and see what happens.

    Whether you represent government or nonprofits or associations or corporations, social media represents an “invitation� to converse. It’s not a requirement. So our critics are right, it’s mostly a one-way street.

    Additional examples: There’s a growing number of research (corporate Facebook pages, news organizations not responding to customer interactions on their own posts) indicating that social media sites rarely engage with their audience.

    While there is a difference as to large numbers of “returning� fans and “interactions,� both indicate that people who use the net may not be all that loyal to one site regardless as to it’s usefulness. They come and go based on a variety of things; brand loyalty may have limits (which is why e-mail is crucial to our success).

    Social is still the future of communication:

    I said previously that it’s a matter of quality versus quantity. Look, social media has the power to destroy or lift any organization and I believe that social “is� the future of communication “but� the ability of any organization to find that unserved niche and to create a well crafted social media presence takes a ton of time and lots of hard work.

    When all that time and effort doesn’t create a loyal audience of endless thousands of people and hundreds of daily communications, we feel like failures. This is silly; the unrealistic perceptions of social media success are driving lots of people out of the market.

    People “will� come to your site and the interactions will greatly profit your organization. We just need a more realistic understanding as to social media brand loyalty and what results are accomplishable.

    Best, Len.


    • Thanks for sharing this, Len! I really appreciate your putting so much time and energy into this response.

      I’m not sure if I’m completely following you, though. If the audience or community is congregating on channels like Twitter or Facebook, it’s still an audience or community, it’s just in a different place, no?

      And nobody is suggesting that you need to get hundreds of thousands of people to interact with you on social media every day to be a success; the numbers and targets will depend on your purpose, niche, and goals.

      Am I missing something?

    • I can dig what you are saying. Most of the time with social media I feel like I am doing anything but connecting no matter how good the content. But I think the premise of the article is right and my own experiences are confirming what he is saying. Go long term, go for quality, be consistent be real and expect it to take awhile. I wish there was a magic pill. I would take it. But it looks like it just comes down to consistently delivering value over a long period of time. The good news is that it does work.

  7. Great post about the importance of content! If you want to survive online it’s necessary to create content that will attract target audience members and the search engines. People go online to find information about the products or services that you offer. If you can’t be found or don’t provide enough helpful and relevant information you won’t be as trusted as a company that does.

  8. Danny,

    This is a work of art dude… There is so much great content in here. If I wasn’t backlogged with like 10 books on my Kindle I’d already be reading yours. But it’s on my Wish List and I will get to it. It’s great to see you all over the place.


    Ryan H.

    • Thank you so much, Ryan, that’s so kind of you to say. And don’t worry, I’m in the same boat – there are piles of books everywhere in my apartment. The important thing is that we get to them eventually… 😉

  9. I write a niche blog about insurance for Baby Boomers. Since so many older folk avoid doing anything but email, I do not expect a large number of subscribers but a few more than what I have now would be nice. I’m looking forward to reading your book. Hopefully, it will give me some ideas.

    • Actually, there are tons of Boomers on Facebook. FB is a great place to build engagement with Boomers, with email used to develop the relationship & ask for the sale.

      • Yup, absolutely – the stats on boomers on social media are crazy. I think Tim might be right that they use it a little differently than we do, but there’s definitely a major opportunity for engagement. 🙂

  10. Interesting stuff – and thanks a ton for sharing the results of your hard work for free! Downloading the book now and looking forward to putting it into my holiday learning collection 🙂

  11. The ‘from scratch’ theme is the killer phrase. Particularly with B2B, hightech companies, who have no clue where to start. ‘From scratch’ also means that companies must switch their mind set from focusing on themselves (e.g., more marketing pitches..) to thinking about what interests their audience. Great post.

  12. Thank you for making this book available for free: I’ve just downloaded it, together with all the additional information you offer, and I can’t wait to read it all and put it into practice.
    This is exactly the kind of information I’ve been needing for a long time to boost my writing business, and help me identify my target audience.
    Of all the emails which arrive in my inbox, those from Copyblogger are the ones I read immediately.
    Your amazing commitment to helping those of us who are fumbling in the dark is very much appreciated!

    • Hilary, I couldn’t agree with you more – there are very few email lists that I’m still a part of, but Copyblogger is one of them, and it’s an honor to occasionally write for them. 🙂

      I’m glad you found the post helpful, and I hope the book will be even more so – let me know what you think when you have a chance to flip through it! 🙂

  13. In summary we are all bloggers for different reasons:Know what you want and why you want it,PURPOSE,apply the use of STRATEGIC HIGH QUALITY CONTENT:FOCUS,Be yourself:Ability and willingness to try,fall,learn and grow,Good and educative post,Thank You for the tips and for taking the pains to do the research.

  14. wow..Iam impressed..I am a newbie and you shown me the path to reach succes…im sure i will bang on my target.

    Thank you for giving such a wonderful timeless content.

  15. Hey Danny,
    Thanks for sharing. You are also being very generous. Giving out a 239 page book for free. I’ve downloaded it and looking forward to read it. Hope it can help me in my blog business.

  16. I really enjoyed this post, especially the question of how you will measure your blog’s success whether that be in terms of followers, conversations, or conversions. I recently finished Social Media ROI by Oliver Blanchard – you can read my book review here:

    Many individuals and companies that create blogs tend to miss these first few steps you mention such as defining a purpose, audience, and strategy for hosting and maintaining a blog and your article does a good job with summing up all of the important points.

  17. I especially love the thought of “Learning to Give Love” and “A Complete Focus on Promoting Others as Much as Yourself”. Isn’t social media about sharing anyway?

  18. Your without-content list is certainly true, especially the fourth one–that without high-quality content, folks won’t come back. What’s the point of working hard to get visitors if they show up only once? Thanks for the insights!

  19. I have one more item to add to your awesome list. Make friends with people who are well known in their fields or who are building great reputations. If you publicly acknowledge your relationships with them, some of their traffic will become your traffic.

    I am glad to see you mentioned hard work more than once. Building an online audience requires far more effort than adding neighbors on a social networking game. You might not work 18 hours a day. You should expect to put in 8 hour days to build a lasting business.

    • That’s a great addition, MaLinda, and you’re right – without relationships, nothing else is really possible, because nobody can do it alone.

      And yes, it is a lot of work – 8 hours/day for a long stretch of time. 🙂

  20. Hello Danny,
    You really have done a lot of work. A good idea to interview all the ‘experts’. Thank yoy for sharing your analysis and conclusions. Even worth is -in my opinion- the contribution of Leonard Sipes. I am a newbie as blogger and just as I advice small entrepeneurs tot take small steps and one by one, I will do so with building an audience, doing research en analysing the resonance. Yes, one way it is all about loving your owm blooging activities, your audience, loving making quality content etc. But being in love can be coming out as a great pitfall , many gifts later, a broken relation and an exhausted mind&mind at the end.
    In Holland, where I live, blogging isn’t a big thing in contrary with twitter, facebook, linkedin and our dutch Hyves. So I have to make a strong connecting and building up a communication with that channels and link that comminication with my website. Nevertheless I love writing, so a blog is a nice way to express myself while building up more audience at the same time.
    I wish yoy, all the commenters and especially Leonard all the succes and pleasure you wish. And thanks for your amazing free book.

    • Thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful words, Hans. Of course the path that is right for each person will vary depending on their skills, circumstances and goals – but there are still some universals that apply across the board.

      I hope you like the book! 🙂

  21. Great article! I especially appreciate the information in the “Learn From the Mistakes of Others” section. The last point is particularly significant, as so many companies are afraid to stand out. Fitting in is always the simpler and safer choice, however, and you’ve got to take the big risk to reap the big reward! Thanks for sharing!

  22. What a terrific resource. I can’t wait to read the book. I definitely rank this info up there with Mike Stelzner’s book, Launch. Thank you!

  23. This was a really great post and the idea about finding the right content to present to your audience is very valuable. You must offer something that would make you stand out in the ever growing blogging world so that your potential audience understandings why they should continue to follow you.

  24. Hey Danny, how come I’ve just come across your STUFF?? Guess I’ve been hanging out in the wrong places! This is awesome again. Very impressive and informative. Thanks,

  25. Great information, important as well. I recently had two product launches and two digital media launches. Needless to say my general audience is the key to my success. Being able to engage and connect with them is the biggest challenge of all. The information here definitely helps to make it all come together. Looking forward to learning more in your book.

    • Absolutely – engaging and connecting is the real challenge. I’m glad the post was helpful, and I hope the book will be even more so – please let me know what you think once you have a chance to flip through it! 🙂

  26. We keep hearing about,Keeping it real,being passionate,being focused and appealing to your audience by writing or posting what endears them which is what i will term as fsticking to the fundamentals here,For this to be emphasized over and over again,it must really be important.Good post

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