Despite some challenges surrounding her launch, Pamela’s book has been released into the wild and has garnered positive reviews. What’s next?
Pamela and Jeff convene one last time to look back on where Zero to Book started and discuss the launch and long-term plans for Pamela’s new book on content marketing.
They share insights about how to give your book a long and profitable life. And they discuss why the best marketing tool has been Pamela’s book itself (and how you can use your book’s content during a book launch).
In this final episode Jeff Goins and Pamela Wilson discuss:
- Why “Done is better than perfect” is a good mantra for self-publishers
- How working ahead impacted Pamela’s book launch
- Jeff’s theory of what resistance means to any work
- Exciting news about Pamela’s plans going forward — A new book! Courses! And more …
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