Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of September 12, 2010

Copyblogger Weekly Wrap: Week of September 12, 2010

Reader Comments (28)

  1. How could you have known that I was catching up on my Copyblogger reading today? And that I was looking for one of your wrap up posts? How does Copyblogger know these things?

  2. Hey Johnny,

    Thanks for wrapping up this week. There are quite some good resources there, some of which I have already read.

    Keep up the good work.

    @Helen They just read our mind ๐Ÿ˜€


  3. Great overview of the “hot off the press” posts for this week at Copyblogger, Johnny.

    Having recently discovered Copyblogger, whenever I get time out from my busy schedule, I arm myself with a notebook and a pen as I read the posts and the discussions – the information here is simply the best. And I go away with lots of things to do and also new tips to implement in my writing!


  4. So not a Bond fan but that headline–well, it did the trick. I clicked. It was my post of the week. I missed the wrap-ups and sly or not so sly Moorrrisssey references. Great to see Johnny back.

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