What is Lateral Action?

What is Lateral Action?
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Reader Comments (18)

  1. I’ve been a keen reader of Mark’s blog for some time now, Brian. Looking forward to viewing your new project together, and all the very best with it.

  2. This sounds very cool.
    I have been looking forward to learning
    more since you mentioned it.
    It sounds like something that matters, so get it done! 😉


  3. I’m not thrilled with receiving advance publicity for something like this that doesn’t exist yet. I’d prefer if you wait to let me know when it’s ready, as I’m not the sort who feels comfortable asserting something is going to be “a great site!” based on the logo design.

  4. Hi Brian – From Copyblogger to Teaching Sells and now this!

    What a way to kick off the conversation on this topic!

    There are many people who struggle to identify their unique path for “getting things done that matter” as they deal with getting things done (i.e. find and maintain a job that pays the bills).

    And in the corporate world, many struggle to express their creativity and innovate in an environment that values rational-left-brained-numbers thinking. Lou’s world is changing…

    As Steven Pressfield vividly describes in his book, The War of Art: “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” Lou doesn’t have a clue.

    I look forward to seeing how Lou’s journey unfolds…

    Waiting for more 🙂

    P.S. I’ve been a silent fan 🙂

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