The Twitter Writing Contest is Now Closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry, and winners will be announced Friday.
The response to the Twitter writing contest has been phenomenal. It’s looks like we’ve got well over 300 story submissions at exactly140 characters with just about 24 hours to go.
Beyond the submissions, we’ve also gotten a great response from people offering additional prizes. In fact, the top prize is actually much better than originally offered.
Here’s how things break down for the three craftiest 140-character stories.
1st Prize
Upgraded to an 8 GB iPod Touch thanks to the generosity of Start Cooking; plus…
$100 iTunes gift certificate to get you rolling courtesy of John Cow (also check out his Cowpetition for a chance to win $3,000 in other prizes); plus…
Three months access to Aaron Wall’s SEO Training Program; plus…
Full access pass to BlogWorld 2008.
2nd Prize
4 GB iPod Nano courtesy of the Ajax Whois domain name service; plus…
$50 Amazon gift card courtesy of Planet Chiropractic; plus…
One full year of Business Plan web hosting, one domain name, and one WordPress installation courtesy of eVentureBiz; plus…
Better Business Blogging: The Simple 4 Step System to Attract, Sell and Profit through Smart Blogging (includes ebook, audio, transcripts and critiques of 6 business blogs).
3rd Prize
Online Reputation Management ebook from Glen Allsopp; plus…
A 1-hour phone consultation with Confidential Hollywood Script Consultant Blair Richwood (Pretty Woman, Beaches, What About Bob?, etc.) on any part of film/TV writing you might be interested in; plus…
Landing Page Optimization ebook from Invesp Consulting; plus…
Four life coaching sessions from Professional Life Coach Tim Brownson; plus…
One month of First Blog Media’s professional podcasting service; plus…
A 6-session course from Link to Your Education entitled “Overview of Online Business Networking;” plus…
50 individual custom postcards from PostcardPerfect.
24 Hours Left…
There’s still time to get your submission in. Everything you need to know to play is here.
Judges for the contest are Darren Rowse, Chris Garrett and yours truly. I wouldn’t mind a couple of female judges, so contact me fast if you’re interested (and not trying to win).
Questions? Drop ‘em in the comments.
Reader Comments (30)
John Hoff - eVentureBiz says
Wow – the contest is on!!!
Cool prizes
Jehzeel Laurente says
wow! there prizes were so… “WOW”!!! can’t wait to see the results 🙂
Jehzeel Laurente says
what I mean was “the” prizes.. hehehe 😀 sorry for the “there” i was so sleepy.. i think im gonna sleep now.. may the best twitter story teller wins 🙂
Diane says
Holy Schmole. I’m so excited – want to go to BlogWorld SO bad!!!
Diane says
P.S. You need some female judges who are cat-crazy.
Joe says
Hey I wanted an iPod touch! Hope I win… 🙂 Good luck to everyone!
P365D says
Woah! Prizes are getting bigger…Excited about the results..
Ming says
A coppetition entry, by ming, in exactly 140 characters.
Missylol says
Did you say that there was a Mind DeFragmenter in those prizes? Yeah, yeah, I think that there was. I think it was the Full access pass to BlogWorld 2008. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
DJ Francis says
Any word on when you’ll announce the winners? It’s the Friday before a holiday, so does that mean right at 5pm, or Monday, or Tuesday (or whenever the heck you want)?
Any answer is fine, but folks might be wondering…
Leo says
Brilliant can we let our readers know at
SHHHE says
Falling in love, in Paris
David Airey says
Fantastic prizes. Prompted me to submit.
Sherry says
Exciting prizes and a fun contest. Here’s mine:
The Tech Juice says
Yeah great prizes. I’m hoping my submission makes the cut! I could use some kind of auditory distraction from the ramblings of the masses on the train during my morning commute.
Pearce says
I DON’T GET IT, I have visited twitter at least 10 times reading different people’s accounts and I just don’t get it!!!!! Someone explain it to me ðŸ™?
Lolagrrl says
Will you be posting ~all~ the stories you received? I’ve been trying to keep up by subscribing to the comments but my email was ~inundated~ with too many links to follow (or read) them all.
Again, GREAT idea! =)
Brian Clark says
Lolagrrl, I’d love to post all the comments, but something tells me it won’t happen at this point. Unless someone wants to volunteer, post all the entries on their blog and I’ll link to it?
Lolagrrl says
Hmmmm… That is something I might be willing to undertake but I’m wondering if I’d be able to get it done in time?
When are you announcing the winner?
Are you doing a first-round elimination to weed out some entires, double-entries, etc. ?
Feel free to email me.
Dana says
Hi there,
I hope you’re still accepting submissions.
Here’s mine:
Ohr says
How are we on multiple entries? Can we amend and post again?
lizriz says
Wow, totally awesome! First prize is really impressive.
Chordata Liz says
Having trouble submitting here goes again
Chordata Liz says
cool finally see the post thanks for inspiration had fun !
Daniel Smith says
You mentioned you would link if someone aggregated all the links together in one place. I know you’re inundated with mail right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I did put together a page showing all the entries using Diigo and posted in the comments of the original page. (In just updated it now to reflect new entries up to this point as well.)
A brief explanation and links to two different views can be found on my blog. It took me forever to do, but I think it makes the entries a LOT easier to digest, so if you could link to it that would be great!
The post is here.
Here’s to hoping this signal makes it through the noise!
If anyone notices any entries I missed or has suggestions for improving it, let me know.
Brian Clark says
Thanks for all the hard work, Daniel. I’ll hook that up next week.
Jeff Crites says
I made it in by the hair of my skinny skin skin. Submitted story link, went back to Twitter to refresh, and it had that familiar “Something is Technically Wrong” greeting. I think this contest will show, in addition to copy writing chops, the ability to slip in and strike while Twitter is alive and kicking.
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