Top 10 Blogs for Writers 2008

Top 10 Blogs for Writers 2008

Reader Comments (48)

  1. Congratulations Brian! You inspire the rest of us to continue perfecting our craft. The Top 10 is definitely a notable list with many of my favorite blogs. It is a joy to see friends win this honor!

  2. I can’t live without the information you provide. I would be happy to be one tenth as brilliant and articulate as you are. But I’m sure that’s not a high enough aspiration. Darn, don’t tell Seth Godin. That sounds pretty unremarkable. OK, I aspire to be you. So there.

  3. We hear a lot of talk about giving value to your readers. I can assure you that this post does just that. I went through each of the sites and found helpful material on everyone of them. This is what a blog post should be about!

  4. What a stellar list. Brian, Sonia, James and Harry: I’ve learned so much from you.

    Now I need to check out some of the other winners.

    Congratulations to all!

  5. Arrrgh, so close and yet so far!!

    Good job, Brian, and I’m glad to be part of both that list with such great competition and part of your blogger team as well.

    Man, I just realized I’m doubly honored.

    Good on you Sonia, too! (Okay, look, next year, if you and I team up together, we can… *whisper whisper*)

  6. I’m just a great big dork of happiness over this.

    And I would like to officially point out that I am in no way cooperating with that troublemaking James in his attempt at a coup, er, healthy competition.

  7. Congratulations, Brian. I’m not surprised. I’ve been reading your blog and enjoy your practical suggestions. I want to start a company blog, but keep thinking I need to learn more. You would probably say, “Just do it and learn as you go.” Again, congratulations.

  8. Fantastic list–I can’t even complain that I’m not on it. (Yes, that was a joke.) I consider the fact that I was already reading 8 of the 10 of them a compliment to both the quality of the list and to my own excellent taste in blog reading … after all, I’m HERE, aren’t I?

  9. Congratulations, Brian.
    Your blog continues to demonstrate how “blogging” is not only “real writing” but also how its interactive nature can offer even more to readers than traditional magazine and book writing.
    Well deserved recognition (again!).

  10. Congrats, Brian. I remember the first few months of Copyblogger… it was really obvious that it was going to be a genre-defining blog. A new level of clarity in online writing instruction. Keep on keeping it top notch!

  11. Congratulations! from one more copyblogger fan. I am not surprised by the reward you get but I am alsways expecting and wishing more success for
    Thanks for enlightening many new writers/bloggers like me.

  12. This is rigged. You shouldn’t have one I should of…

    Haha just kidding. I just didn’t want to start my comment with “congratulations” like everyone else. But seriously….well done. You deserved it, your blog rocks

  13. As you are doing a great job, you must be awarded with this.

    However reaching to top in 3 times in a row is not that easy. Congratulations and keep it up.

  14. Congrats Brian! Copyblogger is always a great go-to source any time I’m (literally) at a loss for words. Thanks for the top 10 list, many I knew, but Freelance Parent now has a new fan in me!

  15. I’ve been a subscriber of your site for more than a year now. Thanks for all your interesting and very informative articles. Congrats and more power!

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