2 Key Factors that Distinguish Satisfying Content from Forgettable Ideas

2 Key Factors that Distinguish Satisfying Content from Forgettable Ideas

Reader Comments (19)

  1. Great point on having a complete content versus incomplete content.

    It is one of the reasons I struggle with keeping up a regular posting schedule because something always feel “missing” from the post. I actually finished revising a draft today after reading a suggesting by a trusted coworker who suggested there should be an intro paragraph following a sub-heading. She mentioned how it felt like she was jumping right into the list without any kind of explanation. That ties exactly what you said about structure.

    Thanks for reminding us why quality versus incompleteness matters.

    • Thanks for sharing! It definitely takes practice to find the balance between producing the quality of content you’re aiming for and not being too caught up with perfectionism so that you publish regularly.

  2. Thanks Stefanie – I’m a big fan of using a template to get your thoughts in order and to help the reader follow your argument. I would also add to not take on too much. I think a blog (with lots of exceptions) is for a quick read about an important topic that can be addressed in under 2,000 words. More than that an you will lose readers.

    • “Don’t try to do too much” is advice I often give as well, Hugh! It’s quite relevant here, in terms of “satisfying” content. In many cases, a focused argument on one topic is more valuable (“satisfying”) than a long argument with lots of tangents.

    • Hugh,

      I agree with you on that, not to have too much.

      It’s an area I struggle with but I am slowly learning how to separate or rather “craft” a blog post into multiple posts or create a call to action to link them to “more”… (ie. a page, a PDF, etc…)

  3. This truly does have some great information. Ever since we focused on getting our content correct we have had some truly great results in that matter on getting online business.

  4. Thanks for sharing this helpful pointers in organizing your content as well as your thoughts in order to captivates readers and viewers. Thanks for pointing out essential elements needed for a well organized ideas and unforgettable content.

  5. Hi, Stefanie,

    The regular maintenance of the website content – is a consuming task, especially if you aim to make it interesting for the visitors! And, in my opinion, to make the unforgettable content – further efforts are needed.

    Your advice in this part have been useful for me. And, I hope, this will help me to overcome the torment in the preparation of the content for my website.

    Thank you,
    and Regards

    • Hey Nick. Content is never torment. It’s just a matter of communication and research. Sometimes you just need someone with the right way with words to link those two. I might be able to help with that. 😊

  6. I’ve committed to a daily blog post since October 29th this year until Christmas 2017. My technique at the moment is write freely, allow the idea and epiphany to land amidst the flow, edit, rewrite, publish. The process has taken anything from 5 minutes to just under an hour. I even did a spontaneous post about it. My recommendation is first freewrite and publish. Sleep on it and then use the content and structure outlined above to re-publish a version 2.

  7. Intrigue. I couldn’t agree with you more. I read excellent content on a variety of blogs which all do an excellent job of expressing their points. But so many miss the boat by not getting personal. That’s my own unique selling point. For example, one of my recent articles talks about how affiliate marketing is why I live in a TeePee. That article has gotten a ton of traction simply because it brings in intrigue.

  8. Great tips about building a strong structure for a blog post. These are so valuable tips for new bloggers. Thank you for helping us improving our writing skills. Good job Stefanie.

  9. Hi Stephanie! I always come to Copyblogger because you provide well-researched, engaging content about the nuts and bolts of content/copywriting. I love how you tempted followers with the invitation (in my inbox) and then gave us something to sink our teeth into–presenting delicious content in a fresh, intriguing way–just in time for Thanksgiving! Your writers always reference thought leaders in the industry and provide great resources. Thank you for providing such valuable content.

  10. Stephanie, you are so right about the #3 of structure – logical flow of ideas through the article. I find it difficult to do that, so I have the logical flow for each of the subheads, though I feel ideal scenario would be where each subhead seems to come out logically from the previous para/sentence.
    Great Post.

  11. This is the kind of article every blogger needs to read! I sometimes can take several days to write a post because I go back and re-read it several times to make sure it not only “makes sense” but to make sure it is easy to read and understand. One other thing that I think is so important but often forgotten is aesthetic as well! Proper use of fonts and paragraph breaks and even color blocks to help readers read content easily is critical. Those blogs that just have endless paragraphs with nothing but 14 point fonts and 1 or 2 paragraphs do not make me want to stay! 🙂

  12. Your article is excellent. Thank you for sharing your points on how to make a “content” more captivating to the audience. The steps on Structure and Intrigue are beneficial.

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