I’ll be on Rush Hour Later Today with Cameron and Neil of Pronet Advertising

I’ll be on Rush Hour Later Today with Cameron and Neil of Pronet Advertising

Reader Comments (4)

  1. An awesome interview. You carried that entire show like a marathon runner taking the baton over and over again.

    Perhaps a future post or two that go behind the scenes at the Copyblogger empire. Can’t wait for the book.

  2. Thanks guys… man, I’ve been so sick this week my first thought after each question was:

    “I don’t know, you tell me. I’m tired.”

    Luckily I got over it. 😉

  3. I liked your quote about the “get a salesman who can WRITE” approach rather than a writer or journalism major who may or may not know how to “sell” – (or rather “communicate” effectively) with people through writing. Good show.

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