It’s Freelancer Freedom Week on Copyblogger

It’s Freelancer Freedom Week on Copyblogger

Reader Comments (5)

  1. A third of the citizens? That’s a shocking figure. Where are the jobs promised by this administration?

  2. This reminds me of the stories I used to read as a kid, those old wise tales. Such an enjoyable read, thanks for sharing Sonia Simone!

  3. Super surprising that freelancers make up 1/3 of the U.S workforce. It’s crazy most of the people I know who are traditionally employed also do freelance work on the side. I’m a freelance marketing consultant and for me it’s exciting to see so many other people choosing to go the freelance route instead of taking a traditional career.

    • You’re right, Daniel. I know a lot of colleagues, too. Most common are graphics, IT (dev), and writing. Some of my friends have become a “full-time” freelancer. There are pros and cons of freelancing, and I think as long as it works for someone, then it should be good.

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