Check Out These Copyblogger Commercials

Check Out These Copyblogger Commercials

Reader Comments (13)

  1. Great work, I love the video’s. There is a ton of truth to them.

    Write everyday……

    Thanks for sharing them, and thanks for all the great work you have done.


  2. I agree with Jim, pointing out the lesson to “write every day”….I also liked (in the first video), “write when you don’t feel like it”. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. I really like the message of the first one and the second one I dug the production value/process.

    Nice werk!


    – Sean

  4. Thanks again Brian. I have not been on my game lately. Cool vids. Yet another thing I’d like to put some time into.

  5. those were lovely videos… hope you don’t mind that I’ve shared them on my blog too and linked back to you! I always enjoy reading your posts and have learned so much over the past months.

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