A 3-Step Blueprint for a Brilliant Blog Launch

A 3-Step Blueprint for a Brilliant Blog Launch

Reader Comments (67)

  1. This is a great resource – thank you!

    My blog launched about two months ago with some buzz but I think that your post here will really help to steer me in the right direction. Thanks again.

  2. I subscribe to your RSS feed and always find your posts very informative. Along with this topic, I just launched a new website with 5 other librarians, called infodoodads. We launched the last week in February and already have 350+ subscribers. I think they key was 1) knowing the niche we were going to fill and 2) not being afraid to promote the site to listservs, other websites, etc.

  3. Brian, have you tested putting your cornerstone content into graphic ads vs. the links you have now? I have some cornerstone content I need to post and thought if graphics work better than links I’d start with graphics first.

  4. Brad, I’ve not tried that, although I think it might be highly effective. It just depends… some people tune out graphics that look like ads and yet seek out text links.

    You do get anchor text benefits from the way I do it, but you get more of that from cross-linking within posts, rather than in the sidebar.

    Give it a shot and let us know how it goes.

  5. Great 3-step process! I love it when somebody writes a piece like this. I started my blog in May, and I thought I would have plenty of time to work out a WordPress theme that looked like it belonged to my website, and I would be writing for a year before picking up a few subscribers, but Matt McGee from SmallBusinessSEM.com picked up my first post and everything took off like a rocket!! I wasn’t prepared for that so I have been awkwardly stumbling along as a new blogger. I could have used this a month or two ago! 🙂

  6. I think I’ve done one and two so far but not yet three.

    Number two – the networking – has been a fantastic way to build relationships and encourage a readership to my sites – I haven’t felt lonely once and I’ve only been blogging a couple of months, never mind a year.


  7. Great step-by-step breakdown Brian. I think the initial phase of participating in conversations on other properties your niche is the most important step. It introduces you to the big players in your space. This way you have at least some credibility farther down the road and that spark of recognition can lead to a fast climb up the ladder.

  8. We launched a new blog at blogstorm.co.uk just over a week ago and today made number 5 on the Alexa Movers & Shakers list.

    The key was having good content right from the outset.

  9. Great site – you have some really clear and useful advice. I will refer back to your blog as I get closer to launching mine.
    There is a conference called Postiecon coming up in Vegas soon. It is a bunch of pro-bloggers sharing their experience with the unexperienced bloggers.

    Keep up the great work,

  10. Excellent article Brian.

    It sounds like it’s really not too late to take these steps even if you don’t do them immediately when you launch your blog. They can only help!

  11. This is really a great resource. I’ve been reading Copyblogger for about a month and all I got was excellent tips. I’ve started my spanish SEO blog last March but just as an experiment, and it is now becoming a passion.
    Brian, thank you very much for articles like this one. They are really helpfull.

  12. dugg, This was information that I needed to know. I have been redesigning my site and have decide to change the topic and focus of my blog. I have been blogging for a while so I expected to lose some visitors when I fully make the change. Now I have an idea on how to attract visitors that will be interested in my new niche. Thanks for the plan Brian. 😉

  13. Brian, I really enjoyed the points that you brought up about blogging. However, if you don’t really enjoy the subject that you are blogging on the blogging is a real chore.

    God Bless!


  14. These are the issues that I’ve just been struggling myself. Thanks for all the pointers! You really need to get the vision and organization done before you start the blog and keep it going.

  15. Good points and great resources, Brian – thank you :o)

    I think what launch method you choose also depends on who you are, and who you know in the industry you’re launching in, and on what your blog is about.

    These are obvious points, but it’s important not misunderstand the correlation between purpose and type of launch.

    I guess what I mean is, that one shouldn’t think they HAVE to go in with a big bang, and hold off launching when a slow launch would do just as good, but would have allowed them to get active long ago… (that sounds a lot better in my head ;o)

    One other comment, I’ve recently launched my blog, and what’s astonishing is how many people online are so willing to help. There’s this unspoken ethic amongst bloggers of giving before receiving, and I think that is a very good philosophy to maintain – especially when first ‘diving’ in.

    Thanks again for the good post.

  16. A very timely post Brian. I have just finished installing WordPress and adding the Copyblogger theme (You rock Chris Pearson) and now I have a very concise summary of the detail I have been reading over the last month or so.

    Top Bananna mate!


  17. This is one of many posts from Copyblogger that has been very helpful in shaping our website, Boldly Going. We’re still getting started, but I think we’re on the right path to the “bang.” Thanks for sharing some great thoughts.

  18. good points.
    i also think that if you are going to launch a new blog you need to treat it like cereal.
    What makes my blog special? Is it sweet,good for you, or just a pretty box. Almost any approach can be successful but you have to subtley sell it everyday.
    There are tons of blogs to choose from, just look at the cereal isle.

  19. Brian, thanks for such a great basics-with-a-twist article! I’m currently in the process of strengthening my blog and relaunching it after a time of less focused blogging, and these tips are fantastic!

  20. This is excellent advice. I started my blog close to a month ago.

    Before I started networking, I created several useful posts so that people would not feel the blog was empty.

    I have to agree that leaving smart comments in other blogs generates great awareness. A couple of my posts were picked by large related sites such as Search Engine Watch and SEOmoz and that has made a huge difference in traffic and RSS subscribers.

    I still need to move to step three.

  21. Fantastic advice!

    I am in the pre-launch stages for a new blog and this particular post, along with a number of your other posts more specific to actual content-creation, has really been pivotal in convincing me to take a step back, allocate a bit more time to planning and preparation and really do it right.


    Much peace,


  22. I am glad I found your blog. This information is great and even though I started my blog a few months ago I am going to implement some of the steps I left out in the beginning.

  23. This is a great resource, we have several clients who are joining the blog bandwagon & I think that this is a great piece for them to read so that they can really start their blog correctly. Great Job!!

  24. Since signing up to NorthStarthinktank recently the level of resource recommemdation just gets better.

    This blog is clearly written just for people like me who have the enthusiasm for blogging, but not really the best strategies.

    Many thanks for some great content.


  25. I have bookmarked this page for future reference, especially with the re-launch of my blog just around the corner.

    I currently lack some of the cornerstone content that keeps people coming back, and finding value in my writing.

    Off to write some now…

  26. I love how a post written over 3 years ago still has just as much power as it did the day it written. That’s like 30 years in internet time 🙂

    Good stuff.

  27. Thank you for sharing this! I’m currently re-launching/re-starting/reinventing my blog. It’s slow going at the moment, which is frustrating, but with great resources like this, I have a better grasp on what I need to be doing.

    Thanks again!

  28. Great article. I am just getting into blogging and I go to a weekly bloggers group. I find these tips useful for getting started.

    I have started to make some impact and gain readership so I will keep it up with some new tools to help my efforts.


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