What Aristotle Can Teach You About Ethical Blogging

What Aristotle Can Teach You About Ethical Blogging

Reader Comments (12)

  1. Interesting perspective, I especially liked the bit about ethical behavior being as ‘natural as breathing’.

    Strangely enough, I was blogging yesterday about the ‘Ethics of Influence’… in a similar vein, though only asking relevant questions, not providing Aristotlean answers 😉

    All success

  2. Brilliant. Really. So glad to see a post like this. Consider me subscribed Ryan. There’s noise and clatter and there’s knowledge and clarity. Guess which one I vote for?

  3. Virtuous blogging huh, I’m relatively knew to blogging and I’m sure this has been written on before but sometimes the whole blogging world seems somewhat contrived to me. It seems a bit overly planned and artificial to make comments on other blogs just for the possibility that they will return the favor. Being perfectly honest, I’ve done some of this and it has been reciprocated. For this I am grateful. So I’m not judging here. I’m just wondering how many comments would be made on our blogs if there were nothing in it for the commenter?

    In this case my motives are primarily pure because I have something to say about this issue. But I haven’t subscribed to all the feeds I have simply to learn from the bloggers. In some cases I’ve subscribed because they are writing on finding your true calling as I do; so I’ve wanted to build my visibility within the community. Perhaps it is virtuous as long as we come clean our intentions in doing so? I’d love to hear what you more experienced bloggers think about this is.

  4. Many people seem torn or unsure on the ethics of blog monetization. I don’t know who said it first (it sure wasn’t Aristotle) but one of my favorite sayings that has kept me out of trouble is this: Just because you sold out doesn’t mean anyone’s buying.

  5. Tom,

    Cross-commenting on blogs might be virtuous, and might be crass. I delete many crass, spam comment submissions on my blog every week. Where a person visited my site, read the article, and has a response, that is great. It is even better if the comment explores an aspect of the topic of the message, that is, contributes to a search for truth or understanding (these are not always the same thing!).

    The reason for making comments may be to increase your interaction in your chosen blogging community, it may be just to garner links, visits, or that fuzzy concept, ‘traffic’. Everyone feels shy (afraid) when beginning to interact, in any social situation. If, after a time, you still have questions about exchanging comments – look to the comments that you appreciate seeing the most on you blog. See where else that visitor contributes. One the blogs you read, look at what those virtues those comments represent. And maybe look again at the blogs you are visiting, and what you are contributing.

    Oops! I guess I just paraphrased the article ..

  6. Thanks for the post.

    Ethical blogging also calls for authenticity.

    You can’t blog what you are not. And if you try – your readers will see right through you every time.

    Those bloggers and business that succeed are able to succeed because they provide bottom-line value to their readers.

    They take their reader’s concerns and needs to heart, and then they find solutions and remedies that make their reader’s lives richer and more vibrant.

    We thank you for all you do in keep our minds enriched.


  7. Thank you for such an interesting post. I found it thought provoking on a number of levels.

    I don’t think society has changed too much. Many people still try to become more like the people they admire. The problem is the shortage of modern day role models, who are able to capture the imagination of youngsters, whilst still maintaining the moral high ground.

    Good, strong, moralistic, positive media can fuel positive outcomes for readers. And it is truly amazing that blogging has opened the door to so many people who feel they have something positive to contribute.

    As with anything there is good and bad, but as the eternal optimist, I believe that those who blog ethically and with integrity and passion, will have far more longevity than those who don’t.

    Time WILL tell!

  8. Excellent post Ryan. Aristotle’s famous quote is, “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Thanks for calling attention to it and framing it in a context of writing.

  9. I don’t have much to add, but I’m a big NE ethics fan. It’d be really cool to see you expand all this a little more in depth.

    Brian keeps picking winners, goddamn.

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